The project aims at bringing a robust cost effective sorting technique based on laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) for the sorting of shredded scrap metal to the market. LIBS is today the only existing technique that has the capability to on-line identify the lighter alloying elements, such as e.g. Si, Al, and Mg. Hence, a sorting system based on LIBS has the capabilities to sort metal scrap based on their alloying elements with higher purities that other technologies that are available today.
Therefore, the AUSOM project ambitions the development of a LIBS-based sorting system that enables cost-efficient and improved sorting of scrap metals by recycling facilities and, hence, to also bring benefits to:
- Environmental aspects: Less use of virgin material by higher value secondary raw material.
- Social aspects: Better working conditions by reduced need for manual sorting.
- Economic and strategic benefits: The European industry will have more reliable access to higher quality raw material, which will reduce the need for virgin material and the related dependencies on import.